Friday, August 15, 2008


When God's people pray amazing things happen...Moses prayed and God delivered the Israelites out of Egypt, Elijah prayed and God revealed His glory, Hannah prayed and she bore a son, Jonah prayed and he was rescued from the belly of a whale, and even Jesus prayed as he bore our sins on the cross and the way of salvation became known...
God values the prayers of His people.

OPERATION 365 is a way for friends and family to lift up Robert as well as the soldiers in his unit he serves alongside in prayer on a daily basis. Because I know it is hard to remember to pray for them each and every day, I am looking for people to commit to pray for one or more days during this next year (September 08-September 09). If you are interested in participating and seeing God's hand at work, please email me at with the day(s) you would like to commit to pray. I will email you back some specific prayer requests as your date draws near.

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