Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Off to the field...

I think it's been just about 4 days since Robert left for training and already I miss him......a lot. Looking ahead, I think Sundays are going to be the hardest day to face each week. It's been strange not having Robert sitting next to me in the church pew belting out worship songs or running into teenagers in the hall he used to mentor. It's weird...I can be perfectly fine one minute and the next I'm tearing up. This past Sunday one mom came up to me and even told me her son didn't want to go to youth group that night because Robert wasn't going to be there (thankfully he still came :-) ). Then another mother told me her son wanted to wear sandals to church because "Robert does." Guess, some habits never change, but that one made me laugh. If you think of it, keep me in your prayers especially on Sunday mornings.

I received a call from Robert every day so far. His units been putting in a lot of really long days and by the time I am able to chat with him he's been pretty burned out. But I do know he's had a lot of great opportunities to befriend some of his fellow soldiers.

Here are a few specific prayer requests if you'd like to be praying:
Robert mentioned that his First Seargent is going to need surgery for a lump that was found on her body. Pray for her and her family during this time.


Danielle Kanka said...

Lauren! I am praying for you and Rob, it's great to see how God uses us where ever we may be to share His good news and I love hearing about the effect Rob has had on the youth at the church! You are such a strong and amazing woman of God, thank you for your vulnerability, I'll remember to especially pray for you on Sundays. Hang in there and please keep me posted on any other ways I can be lifting you up in prayer.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mundens!

I stumbled upon your blog from Danielle Kanka's :-) I added you to my blogroll, b/c I'd love to keep in touch more frequently! Thanks for sharing your heart in this last post, Lauren. Let me know if you're ever down toward West Chester...
