Sunday, July 27, 2008

Harvey's Lake Weekend...

This past weekend my friend Heather and I took a road trip to Harvey's Lake, PA. It had been a trip we had planned months ago and something I had eagerly anticipated all summer. Having never been to the area, I was quite impressed by its natural beauty. Harvey's Lake boasts of being the largest fresh water lake in the state of PA and is surrounded by mountains which enclose its quaint little town. It proved to be a wonderful place for getting in some much needed relaxation
We were able to stay with Heather's Aunt Ellen who graciously housed us at her summer cottage.
Most of the weekend was spent hanging out at the waterfront soaking up some sun and enjoying the refreshing breeze. Heather and I decided to spend most of our time water tubing, which was lots of fun. There's nothing like hanging on for dear life as you're being whipped around on a plastic inflatable. We had a great time and enjoyed lots of laughs. I think I'll be sore for awhile though.

1 comment:

Danielle Kanka said...

Lauren! Thanks for leaving a message when you heard about the earthquake!!! It meant a lot to me that you would call to see if we're okay. Things are fine now but wow it was a little scary. So sorry I haven't called back things have been really busy and crazy this week :( But please know I'm thinking and praying for you and Rob and I'm so excited that you're visiting him soon!!! I pray it is a sweet and lovely trip. I'll try and call soon, I'd love to catch up with you sometime. Love you!!!